
Showing posts from December, 2016

Film Ghost In The Shell (2017)

Film uptodate | Ghost In The Shell is a 2017 Hollywood's latest movie genre Action-Thriller. The movie will be directed by Rupert Sanders along with screenwriter named Jonathan Herman and Jamie Moss. The movie "Ghost In The Shell" will be starring Scarlett Johansson, Michael Wincott, Juliette Binoche, Pilou Asbaek, Michael Pitt, Rila Fukushima and Chin Han. While the production house DreamWorks SKG, Grosvenor Park Productions, Paramount Pictures, Reliance Entertainment and Seaside Entertainment in collaboration with film distributors Paramount Pictures. The film is scheduled to air on March 31, 2017 (USA). Film Synopsis Ghost In The Shell (2017) Ghost In The Shell will tell about the condition of the country of Japan in the future, namely in the middle of the 21st century. At which time, the android is not a secret and taboo anymore. So far, Android is used as a technology and co-exist with humans. Major Motoko Kusanagi The main character is a femal...

Film Kingsman: The Golden Circle (2017)

Film uptodate | Kingsman: The Golden Circle is a Hollywood movie genre Action, Adventure and Comedy. The movie will be directed by Matthew Vaughn along with screenwriter named Dave Gibbons and Jane Goldman. Film Kingsman: The Golden Circle will be starring Taron Egerton, Channing Tatum, Jeff Bridges, Julianne Moore, Colin Firth, Pedero Pascal, Halle Berry, Mark Strong, and Vinnie Jones. The movie will be shaded by Marv Films production house, TSG Entertainmet, Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation in collaboration with film distributor 20th Century Fox. The film is planned for release on October 6, 2017 (USA). Kingsman Film Synopsis: The Golden Circle (2017) Film Kingsman: The Golden Circle will tell about the agents who form a team together with partners from the US, led by Halle Berry. This team does not fully work voluntarily. Not yet known whether the role of Samuel L. Jackson will remain present as Valentine Richmond in this sequel. In addition, Valentine ...

Film Annabelle 2 (2017)

Film uptodate | Annabelle 2 is a latest Hollywood movie genre 2017 Horror, Mystery and Thriller. This film is a sequel to the 2nd after the first film aired in 2014 ago. This film is a directive of the director David F. Sandberg along with screenwriter named Gary Dauberman. Annabelle 2 movie will be starring Javier Botet, Alicia Vela-Bailey, Miranda Otto, Stephanie Sigman, Anthony LaPaglia, Adam Bartley and Lulu Wilson. This film will be shaded by the production house Atomic Monster, New Line Cinema in collaboration with the film's distributor Warner Bros. The film is scheduled to premiere on August 11, 2017 (USA). Film Synopsis Annabelle 2 (2017) Annabelle 2 movie will tell about the return of the doll named Annabelle. Told of a man doll maker and his wife after 20 years later after the death of their daughter and accept the presence of a nun and the number of children orphaned women to their homes. Unwanted things ensued, the new guest house fills lonely ...

Film Jones: Jomblo Ngenes (2017)

Film uptodate | Jones: Singles ngenes latest is a 2017 movie from Indonesia genre Drama, Romance and Comedy. The movie will be directed by Sridhar Jetty which also acts as a screenwriter. Film Jones: Singles ngenes will be starring Jessica Mila, Kevin Julio, Fendy Chow, Rachmad Fiqri, Gofar Hilman and Aziz Prayer. While MVP Pictures production house would overshadow the film is scheduled to be aired on January 12, 2017 (Indonesia). Jones Film Synopsis: ngenes Singles (2017) Film Jones: Singles ngenes This will tell the story of singles called Noval (Kevin Julio), narrated He falls in love with a girl named Astika (Jessica Milla). although he likes and love to Astika No irritation, pain and sad every time they meet. Feelings were mixed in Noval begins when the first met with Astika. Intention to help Atika, it turns Noval instead often exposed to ruse conducted by Astika own. Astika has a cheerful nature and nyablak always ask Noval to do strange in a variety of ridi...

Film The Snowman (2017)

Film uptodate | The Snowman is a latest Hollywood movie Crime-Drama genre. This film is directed by Tomas Alfredson together screenwriter named Hossein Amini and Matthew Michael Carnahan. The Snowman's movie starring Michael Fassbender, Rebecca Ferguson, Chloe Sevigny, Val Kilmer, J.K Simmons, Charlotte Gainsbourg and Toby Jones. Another production house Park Films, Universal Pictures and Working Title Films will team up with Universal Pictures International. The movie will be released early on October 13, 2017 (USA). Film Synopsis The Snowman (2017) The Snowman's movie will tell about the murder of a woman. To find out about the murder of Detective Harry Hole (Michael Fassbender) is assigned to investigate and find the perpetrators of the crime. This case is somewhat difficult because there were no witnesses strong and very mysterious. Finally detective Harry Hole assisted by Katrine Bratt (Rebecca Ferguson), a beautiful and intelligent woman. Ac...

Film The Last Barongsai (2017)

Film uptodate | The Last Lion Dance is a newest movie from Indonesia 2017 Drama genre. The movie will be directed by Ario Rubbik together screenwriter named Titien Watiwena. Film The Last Lion Dance will be starring Dion Wiyoko, Rano Karno, Tyo Pakusadewo, Aziz Stuttering and Vinesa Inez. The movie will be shaded by the house and planned production Karnos movie aired on the 26th of January 2017 (Indonesia). Film Synopsis The Last Lion (2017) Film The Last Lion Dance will tell about about Kho Huan (Tyo Pakusadewo) whose face appeared unrest think of the invitation letter he was reading. The letter was an invitation to a lion dance championship. Each year there is always a letter of invitation to attend the lion dance championship, but the letters were never opened, not read. On the other hand, Agun (Dion Wiyoko) boys only Kho Huan glued to read the letter and his face visible excitement. Kho Huan instead wanted to scream to vent feelings of excitement. The not...

Film Baby Driver (2017)

Film uptodate | Baby Driver is a film genre Action, Comedy and Crime latest Hollywood origin 2017. This film is a directive of the director Edgar Wright who also serves as a screenwriter in the film. Baby Driver's movie starring Lily James, Jon Bernthal, Kevin Spacey, Jon Hamm, Jamie Foxx, Eiza Gonzalez and Ansel Elgort. While the production house Big Talk Productions, Double Negative, Media Rights Capital (MRC). TriStar Pictures, Working Title Films will work closely with the film's distributor Sony Pictures Entertainment. The film will be released early on August 11, 2017 (USA). Film Synopsis Baby Driver (2017) Film Baby Driver will tell you about a young man named Griff (Ansel Elgort) is trying to find success by becoming a driver for a rental or Getaway Driver. He worked for a boss (Jamie Fox), who is a leader organization renowned sadist and a criminal record. But what is done by Griff broke the law and work instead to drown his career into the disas...

Film The Promise (2017)

Film uptodate | The Promise is a latest movie from Indonesia in 2017 Horror genre. This film is directed by Bambang Drias, along with screenwriter named Alim Sudio. The Promise This movie starring Dara (The Virgin), Mita (The Virgin), Denny Martin, and Ferly son. Aplleccross production house Production. The film will soon be aired on February 2, 2017 (Indonesia). Film Synopsis The Promise (2017) The Promise This movie will tell about a girl named Riri (Mita The Virgin), where he is an announcer who always membacakana a very gripping tale of mystery disebuah in radio show. Winda (Dara The Virgin) a person who love to write a mystery story, but he never dared to submit the results of his writing for broadcast on radio. Winda paralyzed and had to sit in a wheelchair. The paralysis he suffered after he suffered a car accident that he drove. In the accident also killed his sister named Tino. Once Mrs. Riri finds himself, died by hanging himself in his room. ...

Film From London To Bali (2017)

Film uptodate | From London To Bali is an Indonesian origin of the latest movie genre 2017 Drama, Romance and Comedy. This film is a directive of the director Angling Sagaran which also acts as a screenwriter in the film. Film From London To Bali will be starring Ricky Harun, Jessica Mila, Nikita Willy, Gary Isaac, Fico Fachriza, Max Palmer, Kevin Julio and Ariel Tatum. While the production house Servia Plus will overshadow the film and plan views on TBA February 2017 (Indonesia). Film Synopsis From London To Bali (2017) Film From London To Bali this will tell you about a man named Lukman (played by Ricky Harun) was severely depressed after the departure of the goddess (played by Jessica Milla) who continue the study to London. Lukman worked odd jobs to raise money in order to follow the Goddess to London. He ended up working in Bali with a friend named Cowboy (played by Gary Isaac). Lukman also introduced to a friend of his contemporaries named Bambang (Fico Fah...

Film Pasukan Garuda: I Leave My Heart In Lebanon (2016)

Film uptodate | Garuda troops: I Leave My Heart In Lebanon is the latest film from Indonesia in 2016-Action Drama genre. The movie will be directed by Benni Setiawan who also acts as a screenwriter in the film. Movies I Leave My Heart In Lebanon will be starring Rio Dewanto, Yama Carlos, Boris Bokir, Revalina S Temat, Baim Wong, Deddy Mizwar and Tri Yudiman. Semetara TB Silalahi Pictures production house will overshadow the film and planned to air on December 15, 2016 (Indonesia). Film Synopsis Garuda troops: I Leave My Heart In Lebanon (2016) FilmPasukan Garuda: I Leave My Heart In Lebanon will tell about the TNI (Indonesian Armed Forces) were given the task of keeping the peace abroad precisely the Lebanese state. Told the film will focus on Captain Satria (Rio Dewanto) together with Sergeant Gulamo (Boris Bokir) and Lt. Arga (Yama Carlos). While in Lebanon, Captain Knight with his troops. They run routine tasks to keep the peace, but they also have to face...

Film Ae Dil Hai Mushkil (2016)

Film uptodate | Ae Dil Mushkil is a latest Bollywood movie Romance, 2016. The film is directed by Karan Johar who also serves as a screenwriter in this. Ae Dil Mushkil movie will be starring Aishwarya Rai Bachchan, Ranbir Kapoor, Anushka Sharma, Fawad Khan, Lisa Haydon, Imran Abbas, Pooja Mehta and Cru Fox. While ADHM Films production house, Dharma Productions will work closely with the film distributor Fox STAR Studios. The film was released on October 28, 2016 (USA). Film Synopsis Ae Dil Hai Mushkil (2016) Film Ae Dil Hai Mushkil will tell Ayan (Ranbir Kapoor) and Saba (Aishwarya Rai). Narrated romance and heartbreak this relationship of two lovers. In the course of their romance there are some obstacles or problems that occurred until they were married. After they were married, all of a sudden they were met by Alizeh (Anushka Sharma) that which was with his girlfriend (Fawad Khan). However, there is something that is not known by Saba, the past between Ayan an...

Film Mengejar Embun ke Eropa (2016)

Film uptodate | Pursuing Dew to Europe is the latest movie from Indonesia a 2016 drama genre. This film is a directive of the director Haryo Sentanu Murti, who also serves as screenwriter along N Riantiarno. Mengejar Dew to Europe will be starring Rizky Hanggono, Ayudya daughter, Roberta Salzano, Irma Magara and Danin Dharma. This film will be shaded by the production house PT. Natural Media Puskat Picture. The film will be released on December 15, 2016 (Indonesia). Film Synopsis Chasing Dew to Europe (2016) Mengejar Dew to Europe will tell about the habits of children on the island of Muna, South East Sulawesi. They live in the water crisis started the day with dew bath before going to school. Puro (Rizky Hanggono) and Ani (Princess Ayudya) is a subsidiary on the island of Muna, whose childhood could bathe if there is dew. They were running around in the garden of cassava to get the morning dew. They are the children of cultivators whose life is very simpl...

Film Incarnate (2016)

Film uptodate | Incarnate is an original 2016's latest film Hollywood Horror-Thriller genre. The film will be directed by Brad Peyton along with screenwriter named Ronnie Christensen. Film "Incarnate" will be starring Carice Van Houten, Aaron Eckhart, David Mazouz, Catalina Sandino Morena and Emjay Anthony. While the production house IM Global, Blumhouse Productions, WWE Studios and Deep Underground Films will cooperate overshadow this movie. The Incarnate movie premiere planned for release on December 2, 2016 (USA). Film Synopsis Incarnate (2016) Film "Incarnate" This will tell you about a scientist who has a special ability and also incredible to enter the subconscious mind someone who experienced trance or trance. He is required to perform a rescue of the crimes and the forces of evil rampant in the earth. In addition to struggling to fight crime he must also be able to go through the horror of a dark past, which have overshadowed eve...

The Boy (2016)

"The Boy" is a film-themed Horror terrible and will make your heartbeat pounding, The Boy 2016 movie directed by William Brent Bell and the screenplay was written by Stacey Menear. The film also starring several actors and actresses such as Lauren Cohan, Rupert Evans, Ben Robson, Jett Klyne, Jim Norton, Diana Hardcastle, James Russell. The Boy movie is a horror film that tells the story of a boy doll who terrorized caregivers. Film Synopsis The Boy (2016) Film The Boy tells the story of Greta (Lauren Cohan) merupak a young woman from America who took a job as a nanny in a remote English village, only to find a family that has a doll-sized like a boy aged 8 years and consider stuffed it like their own children. This they did to reduce their sorrow for the dead child who was actually 20 years ago. After breaking a few rules that must be done as a caregiver, a series of disturbances and events that do not make sense to bring Greta worst nightmare in re...

Film Senjakala di Manado (2016)

Film uptodate | Twilight in Manado is an Indonesian movie latest 2016-Romantic Drama genre. This film is directed by Dean Pusung with two of screenwriter named Rahabi Mandra and Kevin Anderson. These Manado Twilight movie starring Micah Tambayong, Fero Walandouw, Rima Melati and Ray Sahetapy. While the production house Production Marapati will overshadow the film and aired on December 1, 2016 (Indonesia). Film Synopsis Twilight in Manado (2016) Twilight movie in Manado will tell about a man without a strong and ongoing among people in a lobby of Sam Ratu Langi Airport in Manado, North Sulawesi. The man is Johnny WW Lengkong. He named Johnny who worked as a sailor and eventually return to the homeland after 20 years Manado leave his family. He also wants to redeem his love that had been squandered. He hopes Oma Marlene to her mother and his wife Lucy were abandoned at night first marriage to accept and forgive. But apparently Johny wife Lucy had died leaving a...

The Professionals (2016)

"The Professionals" is a genre film A action.Film Indonesia Professional 2016, directed by Affandi Abdul Rachman.Dan Film Singers will be in bintai by actor and actress of Indonesia's top Namely Fachry Albar, Richard Kyle, Cornelio Sunny, Malay Nicole And Lukman Sardi. MNC Pictures That produces the set of The Professionals The singer will release 2016 Upcoming Start. Synopsis The Professionals (2016) The Professionals movie tells the story of a man named Abi (Fachry Albar), he was also an entrepreneur who had to undergo a life in prison because of dropped and sent to prison by opponents or business competitors named Reza (Arifin Putra). After some time in Abi was finally able to get out of the prison, he also plans to revenge to Reza.Suatu when Abi planning a big robbery with the target of the company Reza. Abi just want Reza experienced the first time he felt. Abi invites his friend that Clark (Lukman Sardi), Ferry (Cornelio Sunny), Jo (Richard ...

Film Hangout (2016)

Film Uptodate | Hangouts are a movie from Indonesia comedy-thriller. This film is a directive of the director Raditya Dika that also acts as a screenwriter in the film. This hangout movie starring Raditya Dika, Prilly Latuconsina, Mathias Muchus, Titi Kamal, Ivory Martin, Bayu Chess, Salah Solihun, Surya Saputra and Dinda Kanya Dewi. This film will be shaded by the production house Rapi Films and is scheduled to be released on December 22, 2016 (Indonesia). Film Synopsis Hangout (2016) Film Hangout will tell you about a man named Raditya Dika as the main actor who received an invitation to hang from someone very mysterious sender. In the invitation containing the amount of money promised and can overcome the financial difficulties that he experienced. In the invitation letter also informed the requirements, he must want to obey the command to go to a house located in the center of the island is very remote. Finally Raditya Dika want to obey the law. He Arr...

Film Surga di Telapak Kaki Ibu (2016)

Heaven on Mother's Foot is an Indonesian film Drama genre. This film is a directive of the director Soni Gaokasak together screenwriter named Anggoro Saronto. Film Heaven on Mother's Feet, starring Jessica Mila, Kevin Julio, Unique Priscilla Mauretha, Dewi Hughes, Tasman Taher and Bucek Depp. This film will be shaded by the production house K-Pro Films and aired on 24 November 2016 (Indonesia). Film Synopsis Heaven on Mother's Foot (2016) Film Heaven on Mother's Feet will tell you about a woman named denay (Jessica Mila). She is a girl from Minang and continued his studies in the city. His life was changed after Jakarta. Mother denay (Unique Prisilla) through life in his hometown, but one time he thought of his daughter and could not resist the longing to meet with denay. Finally mother denay followed denay to Jakarta. Bundo very surprised after he did not meet his daughter in a boarding house ever. Denay've moved to a new boarding condit...