Film Flight 555 (2018)

The year 2018 has been much launched from perfilam companies in the action of Indonesian film, is now no less competitiveness of Indonesian films from other country films. This one is a movie about a flight that has passed the sensor, and will be aired in January 2018. Flight 555 is an Indonesian comedy genre film that will be directed by a film director named Raymond Handayana, even as a screenwriter in this movie. As for starring in this film like Tarra Budiman, Mikha Tambayong, Samuel Zylgwyn, Gisella Anastasia, Meriza Febriani, and Mathias Muchus. The film will be produced by Citra Visual Cinema production house, and will be released on January 18, 2018 (Indonesia). Film Flight 555 Synopsis (2018) Flight 555 film will tell about the escape of a man named Putu, who was forced to resign from Bali to Jakarta for not setujunya in his love, where saang father who showed his soul mate. But now she has to go back to Bali because her father is very ill. The atmosphere ...