Film Gelas-gelas Kaca (2016)
The glass-glass Glass is a genre film drama from Indonesia. The movie will be directed by Ben Nugraha and the screenplay will be written by Endik Koeswoyo. Film "Glasses-Glasses Glass" starring Nia Danianti, Aurelia Moeremans, Dera Idol, Cok Simbara and Fendy Chow. While home poduksi Cinema Star Pictures will overshadow the film and scheduled to be aired on October 20, 2016 (Indonesia). Film Synopsis Glass-Glass Glass (2016) The film "Glass-Glass Glass" will tell the life of a 6-year-old woman named Amelia (Aurelia Moeremans). He was an orphan and had physical retardation. Amelia was initially treated by his uncle and aunt, but due to the defect that he suffered load uncle and aunt are reluctant and unwilling to entrust the care of Amelia in a foundation and orphanage. Who would have thought, Amelia grow well, pretty, smart and kind. It also has a brilliant achievement. With the support of the owner of the orphanage, tea Nia (Nia Daniati) ...
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