
Showing posts from October, 2016

Tere Bin Laden Dead or Alive (2016)

The film "Tere Bin Laden Dead or Alive" is one film genre Comedy fairly long-awaited film Tere Bin Laden Dead or Alive 2016 is directed by Abhishek Sharma, tells the story of an interesting and full of humor. films made in India and produced by Walkwater Media, has presented the famous actors and actresses such as Piyush Mishra, Manish Paul, and also Pradyuman Singh. Sinopsi Film Tere Bin Laden Dead or Alive (2016) The film "Tere Bin Laden Dead or Alive (2016)" Menceritakaan the story of someone who is very similar to the well-known leader of al-Qaeda Osama Bin Laden, and inviting appeal of one's attractiveness talent agency of the United States Government, and then he started working and making films about the death of osama bin laden. he then recruit someone young director named Manish Paul, and began to make a movie about Osama Bin Laden, in order to prove his death. Film Review Tere Bin Laden Dead or Alive (2016) Movie Tere Bin L...

Film Shivaay (2016)

Film Uptodate | Shivaay is a genre film Action, Adventure latest Bollywood origin. The film will be directed by a director named Ajay Devgn who also once served as the screenwriter of this movie. Film "Shivaay" will be starring Ajay Devgn, Sayesha Saigal, Erika Kaar, and Ali Kaar and Ali Kazmi. While the film production house Ajay Devgn FFilms Pen India Limited and NH Stuioz. The film is scheduled to air on October 28, 2016 (India). Film Synopsis Shivaay (2016) Film "Shivaay" will tell about an ordinary man named Shivaay (Ajay Devgan). He was a Himalayan mountaineer. Shivaay have a very happy life and peace. He has a family, a wife and a teenage daughter. But one day a big problem coming threaten the lives and families. Shivaay was forced to change in order to protect the safety of his family from criminals. What happened to the family Shivaay? Kah Shivaay will be able to overcome these problems? Watch the broadcast on October 28, 2016 o...

Film Elle (2016)

Film Uptodate | Elle is a Hollywood movie-Thriller Drama genre. The film will be directed by a director named Paul Verhoeven and screenwriter named David Birke. Elle's movie starring Alice Isaaz, Anne Consigny, Charles Berling, Christian Berkel, Isabelle Huppert, Jonas Bloquet, Judith Magre, Laurent Lafitte and Virginie Efira. While the production house Twenty Twenty Vision Film Production GmbH, SBS Productions, France 2 Cinema will overshadow the film and planned to air on 11 November 2016 (USA). Film Synopsis Elle (2016) Film "Elle" This will tell you about a woman named Michelle Leblanc (Isabelle Huppert), who is a leader of video game company. An event hit a house Elle committed by a gang of thugs foreign Elle did not know. Michelle curious thing that has happened to him and investigate who exactly who has been terrorizing his home. But he had to participate in a game is terrible and beyond their control. Michelle has been married for the last 20 yea...

Film Fist Fight (2017)

Film Uptodate | Fist Fight is an original Hollywood's latest film genre Action-Comedy. The movie will be directed by Richie Keen with two scriptwriter named Evan Susser and Van Robichaux. The film "Fist Fight" will be starring Max Carver, Dean Norris, Ice Cube, Joanna Garcia Swisher, Christina Hendricks, Tracy Morgan, Jillian Bell and Dennis Haysbert. While the production house Van Brand, New Line Cinema, 21 Laps Entertainment will cooperate overshadow this movie. The film will be aired on February 17, 2017 (USA). Film Synopsis Fist Fight (2017) The film "Fist Fight" This will tell you about the two teachers who teach in a high school (SMA) in the United States. They are the teachers Icu Cube is acting with teacher Charlie Day. Although they were both teaching at the school, but in fact every day they were hostile and compete with each other's way in order to be out as the winner between the two. Interestingly, they both are competing not kno...

Film The Handmaiden (2016)

Film Uptodate | The handmaiden is a South Korean film-Romantic Drama genre. The film will be directed by Chan-Wook Park along with screenwriter named Seo-Kyung Chung. The movie "The handmaiden '' will be starring Kim Min-Hee, Kim Tae-Ri, Ha Jung-Woo and Cho Jin-Woong. While the production house Moho Films will cooperate with Yong films to work on this film that has been released early June 1 2016 (South Korea) and October 14, 2016 (USA). Film Synopsis handmaiden (2016) The movie "The handmaiden" will tell about a boy aristocrat who inherits a fortune, an imposter who is planning to draining the wealth of the royal children. She was a woman who was hired by sipenipu and uncle of the child nobleman who became her guardian. The story is set in the 1930s in South Korea. Sook-hee (Kim Tae-ri) a girl who was employed as an assistant to new household for Hideko lady (Kim Min-hee), a nobleman whose son inherited his family fortune. Hideko li...

Doctor Strange (2016)

Doctor Strange is a film-themed Adventure and Fantasy hollywood terbaru.Film Doctor Strange 2016 disutradrai by Scott Derricksondan also script of this film was written by Thomas Dean Donnelly, Joshua Oppenheimer, Jon Spaihts. Then to the success of the flow of the film is also enlivened by a few artists and also an actor like Benedict Cumberbatch, Tilda Swinton, Chiwetel Ejiofor. Doctor Strange movie is a movie fantasy and adventure in the Marvel Comics adaptation of the very famous. Film Synopsis Doctor Strange (2016) 2016 Doctor Strange movie tells the story of someone who is very famous surgeon named Dr. Stephen Strange at which time it was played by an actor named Benedict Cumberbatch. Then one day when the doctor is experiencing a serious accident incident and also make injuring his hand. The incident even made his career ended. And with a determination without despair, finally Dr. Strange determined to find a cure so that life can return to normal. After...

Beauty and the Best (2016)

The film "Beauty and the Best" 2016 is a film that comes from Indonesia with Drama and Romance genre. The film is directed by Andrew Sofyansyah and produced by famed producer Manoj Punjabi. Artist handsome and beautiful will play together like Maxime Bouttier, Andania Suri, Agatha Valerie, and Shania Chelsea. Indonesian films will be aired late March, exactly on March 31, 2016. The film is adapted from the novel of the same name by Luna Torashyngu. Film Synopsis Beauty and The Best (2016) Drama movie "Beauty and the Best" tells the story of a woman named Ira, Ira had everything that he wanted. A beautiful face, a profession to be a model, a handsome and wealthy guy who approached him, well-known in the school environment. But Ira has a disadvantage that in terms of science, every ulanga value is never 4. This is the worst thing in life Ira and Ira now already stepping plus 3 class. Therefore, Ira accept a challenge to membuktikkan he can get...

The Nice Guys (2016)

The Nice Guys is a film-themed mystery. The Nice Guys 2016 movie directed by Shane Black and in writing the script along with his friend that Anthony Bagarozzi. The movie will be starring Matt Bomer, Ryan Gosling and Russell Crowe. The Nice Guys movie takes place in Los Angeles. Silver Pictures and Waypoint Entertainment, which produces The Nice Guys 2016 will begin releasing the inaugural date of May 20, 2016. Film Synopsis The Nice Guys (2016) The Nice Guys 2016 movie about a detective named Holland March (Ryan Gosling), a day she hired someone named Jackson Healy (Russell Crowe). Holland March recruit Jackson with reason to help him solve a murder of a porn star in Los Angeles. Day after day they began a little to find a clue that the death of a star occurs because a konpirasi. They both know about it because tente of the porn star is confident he saw his nephew was still alive and well after the incident publicized death. Holland March and his first wondere...

Regression (2016)

Film Regression is a 2016 mystery film latest movie Hollwood Regression 2016 Directed and screenplay at the same manuscript written by Alejandro Amenabar. Horror genre film, Mystery and Thriller will be starring Emma Watson, Ethan Hawke and David Thewlis. Mod Producciones, First Generation Films and FilmNation Entertainment which produced the Regression 2016 will begin releasing the inaugural date of February 5, 2016. Film Synopsis Regression (2016) The movie "2016 Regression is set in a state in which America Minnesota in 1990 which tells the story of a detective named Bruce Kenner (Ethan Hawke) who were investigating a case of a beautiful girl named Angela Gray (Emma Watson) have been reported and accused .Angela her father of sexually abusing her. That was the occasion of Bruce Kenner detective eager to unravel the mystery of what really happened, because John with a bit forgotten about the incident ultimately it pleaded guilty, on the other hand there...

The Purge: Election Year (2016)

The movie "The Purge Election Year" is a film with thriller genre. Film The Purge Election Year 2016 or the movie The Purge 3 is directed by James DeMonaco and produced by Universal Pictures. Some of Hollywood's top artist will play in this film as Frank Grillo, Elizabeth Mitchell, Betty Gabriel and Edwin Hodge. Just watch this movie Box Office began airing starting on July 1, 2016. The Purge Election Year Movie is the sequel to 3 which is about two years after the previous story on the sequel to two, namely The purge: Anarchy. This story will focus with Leo Barnes who served as head of security of a senator. Film Synopsis The Purge Election Year (2016) The movie "The Purge Election Year" tells the story of two years after the previous sequel The Purge: Anarchy. Leo Barnes who worked as head of security of the senator Charlie Roan who also had participated in an act of revenge within 12 hours of tense. Leo Barnes worked to keep Senato...

Jack Reacher: Never Go Back (2016)

Hollywood movie "Jack Reacher Never Go Back" adapted from a novel by Lee Child. Film Jack Reacher: Never Go Back 2016 directed by Edward Zwick and script screenplay was written by RLee Child (novel) and Marshall Herskovitz. The plan Paramount Pictures, Skydance Productions and TC Productions See who memproduksis movie Jack Reacher Never Go Back will begin releasing premiered on October 21, 2016. And the film was included in the list of films Box Office 2016 also has menghbiskan funds of about $ 96,000,000. Synopsis Jack Reacher: Never Go Back (2016) The movie "Jack Reacher: Never Go Back" tells the story of Tom (Tom Cruise) serves as an investigator who must uncover a crime which make it sink deeper and deeper on some of the killings that occur randomly in the city, it involves also a sniper trained militarily, and for that he had to deal with the felons. One day Jack to travel to get back to the former military base in the city of Virginia to mee...

Review Film The Huntsman Winter's War (2016)

Film Uptodate| "The Huntsman Winters War" is an action and adventure movie directed by Cedric Nicolas-Troyan and the scenario script was written by Evan Spiliotopoulos and Craig Mazin. The Huntsman Winters War movie 2016 starring Jessica Chastain, Chris Hemsworth and Emily Blunt. Huntsman .The movie Winter's Prime Focus World War produced, Roth Films and Universal Pictures. As well as premiered on April 20 2016.Dan film was included in the list of films Box Office 2016 Synopsis The Huntsman Winter's War (2016) The movie "The Huntsman Winters War" tells about the fate of The Huntsman (Chris Hemsworth) and Queen Ravenna (Charlize Theron), which is soluble in a dangerous relationships. Long before the evil queen Ravenna (Theron) deemed to have been defeated by the sword Snow White, she quietly watching how his sister Freya (Blunt) have to suffer the betrayal, and had left their kingdom. Freya has sebuh capabilities that can freeze his enemi...

Review Midnight Special (2016)

"Midnight Special" is a genre film sci-fi drama latest 2016 Directed and written by Jeff Nichols, Film Midnight Special 2016 will be starring Michael Shannon, Joel Edgerton, Kirsten Dunst and Adam Drive. The plan Warner Bros. Pictures are producing the film drama Midnight Special will release it on March 18, 2016. And the film was included in the list of films Box Office, 2016. Synopsis Midnight Special (2016) The film "Midnight Special" in 2016 tells the story of an eight year old who has a strength, he was named Alton (Jaeden Lieberher). Alton has a father who bernamaa Roy (Michael Shannon) who is always faithful to protect them from those who feel like or do not like to have the power in Anton right now. Roy and Alton had to try to get away to a secret location in order to Alton who has power of that eye is able to emit light that can destroy objects seen, can not be found by the extreme religious sect or the intelligent government wants these...

Surga Yang Tak Dirindukan 2 (2016)

The film "Surga Yang Tak Dirindukan 2" is a romantic drama latest fim indonesia.Film origin will disutadrai by Hanung Bramantyo and Manoj Punjabi. The film "Heaven Yang Tak missed 2" will be starring fedi nuril, Reza Rahadian, Laudya Cynthia Bella and also raline shah, the film will be shaded by MD Pictures and scheduled to be aired in 2016 TBA (Indonesia). Film Synopsis Surga Yang Tak Dirindukan 2 (2016) The film "Surga Yang Tak Dirindukan 2" is a film adapted from the bestselling novel by Ama Nadia. Where in the film will be narrated problematic households between Pras (fedi nuril) with Arini (Laudya Cyntia Bella). Ark perkawinanna ideal which initially runs harmonious and lasting must crumble to face the fact that he should be polygamous with the presence of a third person in the course of their household. In addition to those in the movie "Surga Yang Tak Dirindukan 2" will also feature new entrants namely Reza Rahadia...

Film Chrisye (2017)

Christophe is an upcoming drama movie from Indonesia. The film will lift the Chrisye life, his work and Christophe religious side. Film "Christophe" will be directed by Rizal Mantovani and starring Vino G Bastian as the main character of this film. MNC Pictures production house will overshadow the film and its delivery plan in early 2017 (Indonesia). Film Synopsis Christophe (2017) Film "Christophe" This will tell Christophe figure legend, narrated in his career as a famous musician. Christophe continue to work and managed to create an album called breath of life and I love him. Christophe then married to a woman named Gusti Firoza Damayanti Noor, or better known as Jackie and has 4 children, who then opens a new horizon of looking at life. This is an important moment in life Christophe where he became a husband, a head of household who eventually became a legend. He then studied the stricken train, this trip one of the most important parts o...

Film Gelas-gelas Kaca (2016)

The glass-glass Glass is a genre film drama from Indonesia. The movie will be directed by Ben Nugraha and the screenplay will be written by Endik Koeswoyo. Film "Glasses-Glasses Glass" starring Nia Danianti, Aurelia Moeremans, Dera Idol, Cok Simbara and Fendy Chow. While home poduksi Cinema Star Pictures will overshadow the film and scheduled to be aired on October 20, 2016 (Indonesia). Film Synopsis Glass-Glass Glass (2016) The film "Glass-Glass Glass" will tell the life of a 6-year-old woman named Amelia (Aurelia Moeremans). He was an orphan and had physical retardation. Amelia was initially treated by his uncle and aunt, but due to the defect that he suffered load uncle and aunt are reluctant and unwilling to entrust the care of Amelia in a foundation and orphanage. Who would have thought, Amelia grow well, pretty, smart and kind. It also has a brilliant achievement. With the support of the owner of the orphanage, tea Nia (Nia Daniati) ...

One Man Tag (2016)

One Man Tag is the latest film from South Korea Horror genre. The movie will be directed by Lee Doo Hwan who also serves as a screenwriter in the film. The film "One Man Tag" will be starring Ryu Deok Hwan and Jo Bok Rae. While the movie production house Square will overshadow the film is scheduled to be released early on October 27, 2016 (South Korea). Film Synopsis One Man Tag (2016) The film "One Man Tag" will tell the story of a presenter benama Yes Gwang (Ryu Deok Hwan) along podusernya named Park (Jo Bok Rae) is making a television program Afreeca horror show on TV. With the aim to get a high rating that event, they will make an impression legendary. When they find a video about a high school girl missing and meeka yng immediately decide and do a search of the high school girl and hope achieve high ratings. What kind of action presenter Ya Park Gwang and The producers in the running of the broadcast? Will the high school girl that they fi...

Blade Runner 2 Coming Soon

Blade Runner 2 is a Hollywood movie genre Action and Sci-Fi. The movie will be directed by Dennis Villeneuve with two of screenwriter named Hamptor Fancher and Michael Green. The movie "Blade Runner 2" will be starring Jared Leto, Harrison Ford, Robin Wright, Ana de Armas and Ryan Gosling. While the production house Alcon Entertainment will work with Scott Free Productions and plan the broadcast on October 6, 2017 (USA). Film Synopsis Blade Runner 2 (2017) The movie "Blade Runner" will tell about an ex-cop named Rick Deckard had been arrested by the police named Gaff and he was brought to his supervisor named Bryant. Rick Deckard worked as Blade Runner whose job is to hunt down the creature semiautomatic called replicants. The creatures were four units and is in the earth illegally. The new model Tyrell Corporation Nexus-6 will come to earth to prolong their life, then Deckard an investigation into the company Tyrell Corp. to ensure their trial...

Snowden (2016)

"Snowden" is a film-themed drama directed by Oliver Stone and is also written by him as a director and writer. This film would also starring several artists and actors like Shailene Woodley, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Tom Wilkinson, Scott Eastwood, Melissa Leo, Timothy Olyphant and much more. Snowden movie tells the story of Edward Snowden, 29 years old who want to express to some media thousands of secret documents which he gained while working as a contractor at NSA for Dell and Booz Allen Hamilton. Film Synopsis Snowden (2016) Snowden 2016 movie tells the story of Edward Snowden, who is currently 29 years old who are eager to reveal to the media about the thousands of secret documents that he obtained while working as a contractor for the NSA to Dell and Booz Allen Hamilton. The leaked document will reveal the existence of various global surveillance programs, and many of them are run by the NSA and the Five Eyes with cooperation between telecommunications companie...

Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children (2016)

The film "Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children" is a film adaptation of the same titled novel by Ransom Riggs. This film is a directive from director Tim Burton and the script will be written by Jane Goldman. The film "Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children" starring Asa Butterfield, Eva Green, Samuel L Jackson and Ella Purnell. Chernin Entertainment and Tim Burton Productions will act as film production and planned the film will be aired on 30 Septembe 2016 (USA). Film Synopsis Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children (2016) Film Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children will be told about a teenage boy named Jacob (Asa Butterfield) who are aware and finds himself on a mysterious island. In the middle of the island, Jacob is forced to help a group of children who have special powers for protecting the them against the terrible creature. When Jacob found a clue to the mystery that includes reality and time, he...