Surga Yang Tak Dirindukan 2 (2016)

The film "Surga Yang Tak Dirindukan 2" is a romantic drama latest fim indonesia.Film origin will disutadrai by Hanung Bramantyo and Manoj Punjabi.

The film "Heaven Yang Tak missed 2" will be starring fedi nuril, Reza Rahadian, Laudya Cynthia Bella and also raline shah, the film will be shaded by MD Pictures and scheduled to be aired in 2016 TBA (Indonesia).

Film Synopsis Surga Yang Tak Dirindukan 2 (2016)

The film "Surga Yang Tak Dirindukan 2" is a film adapted from the bestselling novel by Ama Nadia. Where in the film will be narrated problematic households between Pras (fedi nuril) with Arini (Laudya Cyntia Bella).

Ark perkawinanna ideal which initially runs harmonious and lasting must crumble to face the fact that he should be polygamous with the presence of a third person in the course of their household.

In addition to those in the movie "Surga Yang Tak Dirindukan 2" will also feature new entrants namely Reza Rahadian, but there has been no official statement about the characters in the film Heaven Reza Yang Tak 2 missed this.

The first movie film "Heaven Yang Tak missed" scored boz office in 2015 and then, a film directed by Kuntz Agus was successful an Indonesian film with incised grossing more than 1.5 million viewers.

The film is scheduled to be directed by Hanung Bramantyo together Kunz Agus produced Manoj Punjabi and will be shaded by MD Pictures production house and will be aired in December 2016 TBA (Indonesia).

Details and Cast Film Surga Yang Tak Dirindukan 2 (2016)

Title: Heaven Yang Tak missed 2
Genre: Drama, Romance
Director: Hanung Bramantyo, Kuntz Agus
Producer: Manoj Punjabi
Production House: MD Pictures
Release Date: TBA December (2016)
Indonesian country
Language Film: Indonesia
fedi nuril
Reza Rahadian
raline shah
Laudya Cynthia Bella

Teaser Surga Yang Tak Dirindukan 2

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