Fast and Furious 8 (2017)
The movie "Fast and Furious 8" genre Action, Thriller, Crime is a continuation of the previous movie Fast and Furious 7, which has been running in April 2015. The Fast and the Furious film 8 is still in the development stage, the film is directed by F. Gary Gray and manuscripts film story was written by Gary Scott Thompson.
In addition, the previous movie players such as Vin Diesel, Dwayane Johnson, Michelle Rodriguez and Jason Stathan is almost certain to return to the installment of Fast And Furious 8 this. And Paul Walker was rumored to be still present in this film even though he had died in an accident in 2013 ago. Universal Pictures will release the movie Fast and Furious 8 in mid-April 2017.
Sinopsis Fast And Furious 8 (2017)
The movie "Fast And Furious" will tell the character portrayed on russell. In Furious 7, Russell became a secret agent known as Mr. Nobody. The agent asks Dominic Toretto (Vin Diesel) to steal a secret program.
Reporting from Motor Authority interviewed by Jimmy Kimmel, Vin Diesel says that in the series is one of the locations selected as the storyline is New York, USA.
For Michelle, the eighth film is important because it marks them of the star "Move on" from the tragedy of Paul Walker. We need a reason to continue the (death) Paul said, and besides that, this film has become a global franchise.
Vin Diesel also talked a little about Fast And Furious 8. He had the title for the film "F8" which is pronounced "fate" or fate. Paul often said eighth films are destined to be made, if your brother told you so we stayed to make sure what he said done.
Film Review Fast And Furious 8 (2017)
8 Fast and Furious: Tokyo Drift Fast And Furious think will be the first series was made without the presence of Paul Walker. He suffered a deadly accident on November 30, 2013 last. And that seems to be irreplaceable in the hearts of lovers of the movie Fast and Furious series 8.
For lovers of this film that has been waiting for its delivery on 14 April 2017. Hopefully this movie Fast and Furious 8 is not inferior to the previous movie.
Details and Cast Film Fast And Furious (2017)
Genre: Action, Thrileer, Crime
Producer of the film: Vin Diesel, Michael Fottrell, Chris Morgan, Neal H. Moritz
The film's director: F. Gary Gray
Screenwriter: Gary Scott Thompson
Release Date: 14 April 2017
The production company: Original Film, Universal Film
Film language: English
Movie Length: 90 minutes
Country: United States
Vin Diesel as Dominic Toretto
Dwayne Johnson as Luke Hobbs
Cody Walker as Jack O'Conner
Michelle Rodriguez as Toretto Lettie Ortis
Tyrese Gibson as Roman Pearce
Ludacris as Tej Parker