Film The Lego Batman Movie (2017)
Lego Batman movie The Movie is a film-Comedy Animation latest Holywood. This film is directed by Chris McKay and the script was written by Seth Grahame-Smith, Chris McKenna and Eik Sommers.
The Lego Movie Batman movie will be starring for the voice of Ralph Fiennes, Rosario Dawson, Will Arnett and Michael Cera. The film will be shaded by the production house Studio DC Entertainment, Vertigo Entertainment, Animal Logic, Village roadshow and Warner Bros. Pictures and is scheduled to air on February 10, 2017 (USA).
Film Synopsis The Lego Batman Movie (2017)
The Lego Movie Batman movie will tell benama superhero Batman, he made it interesting with a smaller body form and behave very different than the usual with the incorporation of Animation-Comedy genre.
This film tells the story of Batman with all the superhero outfit as well as a silk kimono that he had, in the movie The Lego Batman Movie will also narrate a faithful relationship with his assistant Alfred (Ralph Fiennes).
One day met with Dick Grayson Batman or Robin (Michael Cera) and Batgirl Barbara Gordon or (Rosario Dawson) to fight crime more rampant in the city even more disturbing people with crimes they did.
Film Review Lego Batman The Movie (2017)
Lego Batman movie The Movie is a film Animation in the cartoon version. The film tells the story of a superhero with the bat symbol commonly called Batman will be packaged in-Comedy Animation.
Lego Batman movie The Movie is a film-Comedy Animation latest Holywood. This film is directed by Chris McKay and the script was written by Seth Grahame-Smith, Chris McKenna and Eik Sommers.
The Lego Movie Batman movie will be starring for the voice of Ralph Fiennes, Rosario Dawson, Will Arnett and Michael Cera. The film will be shaded by the production house Studio DC Entetainment, Vertigo Entertainment, Animal Logic, Village roadshow and Warner Bros. Pictures and is scheduled to air on February 10, 2017 (USA).
Details and Cast Film The Lego Batman Movie (2017)
Title: The Lego Batman Movie
Genre: Action, Animation, Comedy
Director: Chris McKay
Writers: Seth Grahame-Smith
Production house :
Studio DC Entertainment
vertigo Entertainment
animal Logic
Village Roadshow Pictures
Distribution: Warner Bros. Pictures
Release Date: February 10, 2017 (USA)
Country: United States
Film Language: English
Will Arnett
Ralph Fiennes
Rosario Dawson
Michael Cera
Zach Galifianakis
Mariah Carey