Film Cars 3 (2017)
Film Uptodate | Cars 3 is the third series of Cars animated films. The film is directed by Brian Fee, while the producers are Kevin Reher, Polly Johnsen, and Denise Ream. Screenwriter Robert L. Baird and Gerson.
The movie "Cars3" will be starring Owen Wilson, Larry the Cable Guy, Bonnie Hunt, Cheech Marin. While the production house Walt Disney Pictures will work with Pixar Animation Studios is scheduled to release this film on June 16, 2017 (USA).
Film Cars 3 Synopsis (2017)
The movie "Cars 3" will tell Lightning McQueen to be present again to prove to the new generation of racers that he is still the best race car of all time.
But he will have the opponents of the new super fast racer of the new generation, legendary Lightning McQueen (Owen Wilson) suddenly pushed out of the sport he loved so much.
As a formidable racer, he tries to reenter the racetrack, Lightnig McQueen needs the help of a young technician and all his plans to win and be inspired by the great action of Hudson Hornet. Proving that # 95 is yet to be out of the biggest stage of Piston Cup Racing racing.
Movie Review Cars 3 (2017)
The film "Cars 3" will tell the Piston Cup Racing race, Lightning McQueen racing car is now a veteran racer. He will help Ramirez, a female racer who wants to stay competitive in the racing world.
In addition to McQueen and Cruz Ramirez, Cars 3 will also feature the figure of Jackson Strom and other characters such as Mater, Sally and Romance.
Cars 3 is the third series of Cars animated films. The film is directed by Brian Fee, while the producers are Kevin Reher, Polly Johnsen, and Denise Ream. Screenwriter Robert L. Baird and Gerson.
The movie "Cars3" will be starring Owen Wilson, Larry the Cable Guy, Bonnie Hunt, Cheech Marin. While the production house Walt Disney Pictures will work with Pixar Animation Studios is scheduled to release this film on June 16, 2017 (USA).
Details and Cast Film Cars 3 (2017)
Title: Cars 3
Genre: Adventure, Animation, Comedy
Director: Brian Fee
Producer: Kevin Reher
Screenwriter: Robert L. Baird, Dan Gerson
Production House: Walt Disney Pictures, Pixar Animation Studios
Distributor: Walt Disney Studios, Motion Pictures
Release Date: June 16, 2017 (USA)
Country: USA
Film Language: English
Voice over :
Owen Wilson
Larry the Cable Guy
Cheech Marin
Trailler Film Cars 3 (2017)