Film World War Z 2 (2017)
World War Z 2 is a sequel to the blockbuster movie Action-Thriller genre. The film will be directed by David Fincher, and the script will be written by Dennis Kelly and Steven Knight. The film will also be produced by Brad Pitt, Jeremy Kleiner, Dede Gardner and David Ellison.
The movie "World War Z 2" will star Brad Pitt, Mireille Enos, James Badge Dale, Matthew Fox. While the production house Skydance Productions, Hemisphere Media Capital, GK Films, Plan B Entertainment. The film will air on June 9, 2017 (USA).
Synopsis Film World War Z 2 (2017)
Movie "World War Z 2" will tell about the same path with the previous movie, which is about attacks from zombies who disturb the city. Where everyone is belligerent against the wandering Zombies.
The film is a sequel to the blockbuster movie, Bradpitt will return in his role as UN employee named Gerry Lane. Meanwhile, Marc Forster no longer directs the sequel, he will be replaced by Juan Antonio Bayona.
Brad Pitt will again be the producer of this movie. While the production house Skydance Productions, Hemisphere Media Capital, GK Films, Plan B Entertainment. The film will air on June 9, 2017 (USA).
Detail and Cast Film World War Z 2 (2017)
Title: World War Z 2
Genre: Action, Horror, Thriller
Director: David Fincher
Screenwriter: Dennis Kelly, Steven Knight
Producer: Brad Pitt, Jeremy Kleiner, Dede Gardner, David Elison
Production: Plan B Entertainment, Skydance Productions
Release Date: June 9, 2017 (USA)
Country: USA
Film Language: English
Players: Brad Pitt,
Trailler Film World War Z 2 (2017)