Gundala Putra Petir (2016)

Film Uptodate | The movie "Gundala Putra Petir" is a superhiro fiction film based on Harya Suraminata's 1969 comic book, the film will be directed by famous director Hanung Bramantyo.

The movie "Gundala Putra Petir" will be starred by Teddy Purba, Ami Prijono, Anna Tairas, W.D. Mochtar, Farida Pasha and several other actors. The film will be worked on by Mahaka Pictures and Earth Sky which will air on TBA 2016 (Indonesia).

Film Synopsis Gundala Putra Petir (2016)

The movie "Gundala Putra Petir" will tell about the research and experiments conducted by leading scientist Ir. Sancoko (Teddy Purba) to create anti-lightning serum that produces extraordinary results and makes his body becomes resistant to electric current.

The mysterious encounter with the Lightning God (Pitrajaya Burnama) who appoints him as his son, Sancoko gained the extraordinary power to exterminate evil as the "Gundala" of the Lightning Prince who has the speed of lightning and the power of lightning.

The unexpected happened after his hard work led to the breakup of his relationship with his girlfriend Minarta (Anna Tiras), whom Sancoko lost to Sancoko after his breakup with his girlfriend Sancoko in collaboration with his professors Professor Saelan (Ami Prijono) and his companion Ir . Agus (August Melas) to create an anti-opiate serum that can save drug addicts from addiction.

The research they did almost succeeded, but it was known by Gazul (WD Mochtar) a boss of international drug crime syndicates who fear that Sancoko's research will destroy his drug business. Gazul ordered his accomplices to kidnap Sancoko and Professor Saelan to create synthetic heroin to raise his criminal syndicate business, Agus himself betrayed and eventually worked for Gazul out of his sense of Sancoko's achievement.

Sancoko remained silent and denied the invasion of the drug syndicate group, so Minarti Sancoko's former girlfriend was kidnapped and held hostage by Gazul syndicate, Sancoko finally as Gundala Putera Petir acts to combat Gazul's crime with his lightning speed and lightning power.

Detail and Cast Film Gundala Lightning (2016)

Title: Gundala Putra Petir
Genre: Action,
Director: Hanung Bramantyo
Producer: Yanto Tanudjya, Purbonegoro T and Rachmat Budiman
Production House: Mahaka Pictures, Sky Earth
Release Date: TBA 2016 (Indonesia)
Indonesian country
Teddy Purba
Anna Tiras
W.D Mochtar
Ami Priyono
Farida Pasha
Agust Melasz
A. Hamid Arief
Pitrajaya Burnama
IM Damascus

Trailler Film Gundala Putra Petir (2016)

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