
Showing posts from July, 2017

Film Kartini (2017)

Film Uptodate | Kartini is a drama genre, Biography and History. This film is a film director named Hanung Bramantyo who also acted as a screenplay with Bagus Dramanti. The film will star Dian Sastrowardoyo, Acha Septriasa, Ayushita, Deddy Sutomo, Christine Hakim, Reza Rahadian, Adinia Wirasti, Djenar Maesa Ayu, Denny Sumargo and Nova Eliza. While the production house of Legacy Pictures will work with Screenplay Films and the plan will be aired on April 19, 2017 (Indonesia). Kartini Film Synopsis (2017) The film will tell about Kartini (played by Dian Sastrowardoyo) who grew up looking directly at her mother named Ngasirah (played by Christine Hakim) who became a wasted man in her own home. This happens because it has no noble blood and becomes a helper. The father named Raden Sosroningrat (played by Deddy Sutomo) who loves Kartini is helpless against hereditary traditions. Throughout the course of his life, Kartini struggled to set the rights for all noble or not. Especially...

Film Avengers: Infinity War (2018)

Film Uptodate | Avengers: Infinity War is a Hollywood-based movie based on Marvel Comics super hero. The film will be directed by Directed Anthony Russo and Joe Russo along with two screenwriters named Christopher Markus and Stephen McFeely. Players who will star in this film are Robert Downey Jr., Josh Brolin, Mark Ruffalo, Tom Hiddleston, Chris Hemsworth, Christ Evans and many more Hollywood stars. Marvel Studios production house will return shelter this film and planned to release on May 4th. Synopsis Avengers Movie: Infinity War (2018) Until now there has been no official synopsis released the film production. In the Marvel comics series, The Magus is the evil side of the superhero character Adam Warlock, where super heroes on earth as part of his plan to recreate the evil universe. Here Adam will use Infinity Gauntlet (Tharos's gloves). What's the movie like and the next story? Look forward to the official synopsis and the film is scheduled to be released on 4 May...

Film Deadpool 2 (2018)

Film Uptodate | Deadpool 2 is a sequel to the previous movie released in 2016 entitled Deadpool (2016). The film features the genre Action, Adventure and Comedy which is directed by director David Leitch and the script is written by Rhett Reese & Paul Wernick. While movie stars who will fill this movie like Ryan Reynolds, T.J. Miller, Morena Baccarin, Josh Brolin, Jack Kesy, Brianna Hildebrand and Zazie Beetz. Marvel Entertainment's production house, Kinberg Genre, Donners' Company and Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation will team up with 20th Century Fox film distributors. The film will be released on June 1, 2018 (USA). Film Synopsis Deadpool 2 (2018) The film Deadpool 2 is a sequel of the previous movie titled the same where the action and comedy into one that makes this storyline is very exciting and also make the audience will not be dissolved in tension. Until now there has been no official information about the movie Deadpool 2 this. The plan of this mo...

Film Aquaman (2018)

Film Uptodate | Aquaman is an action film Action, Adventure and Sci-Fi from the United States. This film is cultivated director James Wan along with screenwriter named Will Beall. The film stars Jason Momoa, Amber Heard, Willem Dafoe, Patrick Wilson, Yahya Abdul-Mateen II, Dolph Lundgren, Temuera Morrison and Nicole Kidman. DC Films production houses, The Safran Company and RatPac Entertaiment will team up with Warner Bros Pictures movie distributor and plan to be released on December 21, 2018 (USA). Film Synopsis Aquaman (2018) This Aquaman movie will tell about the life of a great king who controls seven seas called Aquaman (Jason Momoa). So complicated the rules in the region of Atlantis and the king lived between the surface of the earth that is land and sea. Aquaman's King continued to destroy the oceans as well as the inhabitants of Atlantis began to rebel against the king and sought an idea to stop the king's ferocity. But what happens is even a very big and fi...

Film Ready Player One (2018)

Film Uptodate | Ready Player One is a movie from the United States genre Action, Sci-Fi and Thriller. The film was directed by Steven Spielberg alongside screenwriter Ernest Cline, Eric Eason and Zak Penn. The film will star Tye Sheridan, Olivia Cooke, Ben Mendelsohn, Mark Rylance, Simon Pegg and T. J. Miller. The production house of Warners Bross Pictures will work with several other production houses and is scheduled to be released on March 30, 2018 (USA). Synopsis Film Ready Player One (2018) The film will tell you about an 18 year old boy named Wade Watts (Tye Sheridan), who is interested to follow a race or competition conducted by the creator of the OASIS virtual game. This race has a mission that is to find an Easter egg that is also contained in the game. The main prize promised is the wealth of the game creator and the game company. This is not easy to do because it's been a long time since millions of people have tried it and failed. As for the clue to win the...

Filosofi Kopi 2 ( 2017 )

Synopsis of Coffee Philosophy 2 (2017) Director: Angga Sasongko Author: - Players: Chico Jericho, Rio Dewanto, Luna Maya, Nadine Alexandra, Tio Pakusadewo, Ernest Prakasa, Melissa Karim, Joko Anwar Synopsis Concerning Film Filosofi Kopi 2 2017 The Indonesian drama film entitled "Coffee 2 Philosophy" is a film that tells the story of the continuation of the first film story. Where from the coffee philosophy shop of Ben (Chico Jericho) and Jodi (Rio Dewanto) finally have to go bankrupt and debt-ridden. Ben and Jodi can not do much about what happens. Despite their management skills and high school theory, they are still unable to get them to pay off debts of 800 million. Only with a silly idea that can pay off their debt, it is also not terotis because only with the physical abilities, mental and adventure experiences that happen to be last owned by them, outside the school. Ben and Jodi Film Uptodate | also toured Java-Bali by using food truck to sell coffee m...

Film John Wick: Chapter 2 (2017)

Film Uptodate | John Wick: Chapter 2 is a Hollywood-based film directed by Chad Stahelski and the script is written by Derek Kolstad. John Wick: This Chapter 2 will be starring Keanu Reeves, Laurence FishBurne, Common, Ruby Rose, John Leguizamo, Ian McShane, Bridget Moynahan and Lance Reddick. While the home production of Entertainment One will overshadow this film and aired on February 8, 2017 (Indonesia). John Wick Film Synopsis: Chapter 2 (2017) The film will tell about a man named John Wick (Played by Keanu Reeves) who is a retired assassin. Told John Wick back in action after a long time to stop because a former colleague is planning an action to master an international-class assassin union. In his mission this time, John Wick will face an identity crisis that questions his identity as a husband because of the death of his wife who was killed after being murdered by an international murderer very cruelly. But John is bound by an agreement to help his partner. John then...

Film Murder On The Orient Express (2017)

Film Uptodate | Film Murder On The Orient Express is a new movie from Hollywood genre Crime, Drama, and Mystery. The film will be directed by Kenneth Branagh alongside screenwriters named Agatha Christie, and Michael Green. The Murder On The Orient Express film will star Johnny Depp, Kenneth Branagh, Daisy Ridley, Penelope Cruz, Michelle Preiffer, Judi Dench, Josh Gad and Lucy Boynton. The film is the production of Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation, Genre Films, Kinberg Genre and Mark Gordon Company. Film 10 November 2017 (USA). Film Synopsis Murder On The Orient Express (2017) The Murder On The Orient Express film will tell a story about a man named Hercule Poirot, a Belgian detective who has a curly mustache and is always curious and curious about anything. Poirot felt called again to take action after an important American American was found dead after being stabbed many times inside his locked compartment from inside, on the Orient Express train. Trapped with the k...

Film T2 Trainspotting (2017)

Film Uptodate | T2 Trainspotting is a Drama, Comedy and Action film from director Danny Boyle with screenwriters John Hodge and Irvine Welsh. The T2 Trainspotting film will star Ewan McGregor, Logan Gillies, Ben Skelton, Aiden Haggarty, Daniel Smith, Elijah Wolf and Robert Carlyle. DNA Films production house, Decibel Films, Cloud Eight Film in collaboration with Sony Pictures Entertainment movie distributor. The film aired on March 10, 2017 (UK). T2 Trainspotting Film Synopsis (2017) The film tells the story about 20 years after the first movie, Mark Renton (played by Ewan McGregor) returns to Scotland, where the only one Mark Renton thinks of being a home, though much has changed. As for makasud and Mark Renton's goal back there is to make up for the mistakes he ever made against his friends like Daniel Murphy (Played Ewen Bremner) and Simon Williamson (Acted by Jonny Lee Miller). But he must also avoid one of his friends who is a psychopath named Francis Begbie (Played ...

Film Rough Night (2017)

Film Uptodate | Rough Night (2017) is a recent Hollywood movie Comedy genre. This film is directed by the director Lucia Aniello who also plays as screenwriter with Paul W. Downs. Rough Night movie will be starring Scarlett Johansson, Zoe Kravitz and Kate McKinnon. The film is produced by Paulilu Productions, Sony Pictures Entertainment (SPE). The film will be released on June 16, 2017 (USA). Rough Night Film Synopsis (2017) Rough Night movie will tell about the friendship of five intimate friends who are continuing education in a college. Told them meet again after 10 years they did not meet and finally meet again. In order to welcome their reunion, they held a party at the weekend in Miami. The party was a wild-themed or loud party, dark but very lively. But in the party happens that does not cool because inadvertently they killed one male stripper. They spontaneously try to cover it up. Then what kind of story more how can the death of the male dancer? Will they succe...

Film Dear Nathan (2017)

Film Uptodate | Dear Nathan is a drama film from Indonesia. This film is a cultivation of sutradra named Indra Gunawan along with screenwriter named Bagus Bramanti and Gea Rexi. The filmmakers who will star in this film are Jefri Nicole, Amanda Rawles, Ryan Wijaya, Diandra Agatha, Beby Tsabina, AyuDiah and Surya Saputra. Production houses RAPI Films will shoot this film and plan to air on March 23, 2017 (Indonesia). Film Synopsis Dear Nathan (2017) Dear Nathan movie will tell the story of a pair of high school teens named Nathan (played by Jefri Nichol) and Salma Avira (played by Amanda Rawles). Their first meeting was too late to attend the first ceremony at the new school. They both sneak into the school and help Salma escape the punishment she must get for being late for the ceremony. He is Nathan, a boy who is notoriously naughty and often brawl between schools. This is very different from Salma who has good behavior and also limits himself in his association. This, ...

Film The Lost City of Z (2017)

Film Uptodate | The Lost City of Z is a Hollywood movie genre Action, Adventure & Biography. The film is directed by a director named James Gray who also acts as a screenwriter in this film. While Brat Pitt, Dede Gardner acts as a producer. The film will star Charlie Hunnam, Robert Pattinson, Sienna Miller, Tom Holland, Edward Ashley, Angus Macfadyen and Ian McDiarmid. Plan B Entertainment Production House, MICA Entertaiment and MadRiver Pictures will overshadow the film in collaboration with Amazon Studios and Bleecker Street movie distributors and plan to air on May 31, 2017 (Indonesia). Synopsis The Lost City of Z (2017) The movie Lost City of Z will tell about an English Colonel named Percy Harrison Fawcett (Charlie Hunnam). Percy's colonel has a very high obsession with Amazon. He trusted the ancient civilizations of the place and decided to make an expedition to the Amazon. The expedition made by Colonel Percy with his men was dangerous and almost took h...

Film Insya Allah Sah (2017)

Insha Allah Sah Movie (2017) Insya Allah Sah is an Indonesian Drama-Comedy film directed by Benni Setiawan who also acts as a screenwriter in this film. Manoj Punjabi will act as a film producer. Star Movies like Panji Pragiwaksono, Joe P's Project, Titi Kamal, Ira Maya, Tanta Ginting, Budi Dalton, Budi Arab, Richard Kyle, Donita and Ferdi Taheir will enliven this film. The film production house MD Pictures will overshadow the film and will be released on June 25, 2017 (Indonesia). Film Synopsis Insya Allah Sah (2017) Insya Allah Sah Sahari film will tell about the life of a woman named Silvi (played by Titi Kamal), who works as a successful clothing designer and so her life is perfect with a sweetheart named Dion (played by Richard Kyle). But there are still wishes Silvi who can not be married with Dion. When Silvi wants to face Dion, he suddenly has to face life-changing events. He is caught in a lift with a religious, innocent and bizarre man called Raka (played by Pa...