Film Kartini (2017)
Film Uptodate | Kartini is a drama genre, Biography and History. This film is a film director named Hanung Bramantyo who also acted as a screenplay with Bagus Dramanti. The film will star Dian Sastrowardoyo, Acha Septriasa, Ayushita, Deddy Sutomo, Christine Hakim, Reza Rahadian, Adinia Wirasti, Djenar Maesa Ayu, Denny Sumargo and Nova Eliza. While the production house of Legacy Pictures will work with Screenplay Films and the plan will be aired on April 19, 2017 (Indonesia).
Kartini Film Synopsis (2017)
The film will tell about Kartini (played by Dian Sastrowardoyo) who grew up looking directly at her mother named Ngasirah (played by Christine Hakim) who became a wasted man in her own home. This happens because it has no noble blood and becomes a helper. The father named Raden Sosroningrat (played by Deddy Sutomo) who loves Kartini is helpless against hereditary traditions. Throughout the course of his life, Kartini struggled to set the rights for all noble or not. Especially the right of education for women, together with his two sisters named Roekmini (played by Acha Septriasa) and Kardinah (played by Ayusitha). Kartini is struggling to set up a school for the poor and create a job for all the people of Jepara. What kind of story Kartini struggle? Watch the full show just in your favorite theaters on April 10, 2017 (Indonesia).
Kartini Film Details (2017)
Title: Kartini
Genre: Drama, Biography and History
Producer: Robert Ronny
Director: Hanung Bramantyo
Scriptwriter: Bagus Dramanti and Hanung Bramantyo
Release Date: April 19, 2017 (Indonesia)
Country of Origin: Indonesia
Film Language: Indonesia
Kartini Movie Players (2017)
Dian Sastrowardoyo
Acha Septriasa
Deddy Sutomo
Christine Hakim
Reza Rahadian
Adinia Wirasti
Djenar Maesa Ayu
Denny Sumargo
Nova Eliza
Dwi Sasono
Rianti Cartwright
Hans de Kraker
Carmen van Rinbach
Rebecca Reijman
Kartini Film Synopsis (2017)
The film will tell about Kartini (played by Dian Sastrowardoyo) who grew up looking directly at her mother named Ngasirah (played by Christine Hakim) who became a wasted man in her own home. This happens because it has no noble blood and becomes a helper. The father named Raden Sosroningrat (played by Deddy Sutomo) who loves Kartini is helpless against hereditary traditions. Throughout the course of his life, Kartini struggled to set the rights for all noble or not. Especially the right of education for women, together with his two sisters named Roekmini (played by Acha Septriasa) and Kardinah (played by Ayusitha). Kartini is struggling to set up a school for the poor and create a job for all the people of Jepara. What kind of story Kartini struggle? Watch the full show just in your favorite theaters on April 10, 2017 (Indonesia).
Kartini Film Details (2017)
Title: Kartini
Genre: Drama, Biography and History
Producer: Robert Ronny
Director: Hanung Bramantyo
Scriptwriter: Bagus Dramanti and Hanung Bramantyo
Release Date: April 19, 2017 (Indonesia)
Country of Origin: Indonesia
Film Language: Indonesia
Kartini Movie Players (2017)
Dian Sastrowardoyo
Acha Septriasa
Deddy Sutomo
Christine Hakim
Reza Rahadian
Adinia Wirasti
Djenar Maesa Ayu
Denny Sumargo
Nova Eliza
Dwi Sasono
Rianti Cartwright
Hans de Kraker
Carmen van Rinbach
Rebecca Reijman