Kickboxer : Retaliation (2017)

Film Uptodate | The movie "Kickboxer: Retaliation" is an action film directed by Dimitri Logothetis who also acts as a screenwriter, a sequel to "Kickboxer: Vengeance".

The film will be starred by senior actors Jean-Claude Van Damme, Alain Moussi, Dave Bautista and Gina Carano, the film will be produced by Acme Rocket Fuel and Our House Films which is planned to be released in TBA 2017 (USA).

Kickboxer Film Synopsis: Retaliation (2017)

The Kickboxer: Retaliation will tell a man (Moussi) who was forcibly taken to Thailand to face his formidable enemy, a Mongkut fighter (played by Hafpor Julius Bjornsson).

The movie "Kickboxer: Retaliation" is scheduled to air in US theaters in 2017 to observe. In addition to the above names, this film also co-starring boxer Mike Tyson and Brazilian footballer, Ronaldinho.

Detail and Cast Film Kickboxer: Retaliation (2017)

Title: Kickboxer: Retaliation
Genre: Action, Sequel
Director: Dimitri Logothetis
Screenwriter: Dimitri Logothetis
Producer: Robert Hickman
Production: Acme Rocket Fuel. Our House Films
Country: United States
Release Date; TBA 2017 (USA)
Alan Moussi
Jean-Claude Van Dame
Dave Bautista
Gina Carano
Hafpor Julius Bjornsson
Paige Vanzant
Mike Tyson

Trailler Film Kickboxer: Retaliation (2017)

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